Monday, November 3, 2008

Normal routine...

I'm trying to maintain my momentum with the blogging so, I decided to write a short post. i worked in the NICU today. I dragged myself out of bed at 05:30 and was on my way to work by 06:00. Langley slept in until 08:00, a rare treat for Charlie. He actually got to shower! He and Langley ran a few errands and treated me to a visit at the hospital. As always, the nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians where excited to see her. Charlie and Langley played in the family room and took a late afternoon walk. She's cutting two top teeth so she's a little grumpy and preoccupied. Charlie got Langley to bed near her normal 07:30pm bed time. He had a home made pizza waiting for me when I arrived home. We're planning an exciting night of Tivo and Lego Batman.

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