Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting so big!

Today Langley graduated to a big girl bath. We have been bathing her in the infant tub up until this point both because she still fits into it and because it just seemed a little safer to be in a smaller body of water. It occurred to us that if she's old enough to stand in the little tub we probably should graduate her to the real thing. She seemed to enjoy the increased play room and the non-skid mat on the bottom of the tub prevented her from slipping all over. She is still so tiny and yet, becoming such a little girl. It's bitter sweet. Speaking of tiny, we stopped at the park during our afternoon walk. The weather is beautiful now and the park was teaming with children. We certainly cannot return anytime soon with the huge risk of RSV and flu exposure. Maybe with Lysol spray.... Langley loved the swing. She giggled and waved at her parents and the other children at the park. We also tried the small slide. We're still not sure if that one was a hit. Finally, our little lady is drinking from a sippy straw now. We're confident that she'll be close to retiring her bottles by early December when she'll be a year corrected.


Heiner Happenings said...

I went private, if you would like an invite, text me your e-mail so I can include you guys!

The Clonts Column said...

Yay!! Big girl Lang! What a cute crazy thing! Glas to see she found the slide amusing. Now don't let her go down face first like Uncle Joey. Remember Jess we made a nice bloody trip to your classroom.:) Gross